Many victims of domestic abuse develop mental health issues as a result of the trauma they have experienced. If you are being abused, whether physically or verbally, your body and mind are in distress. Prolonged exposure to fear and violence is linked to a weakened immune response, premature aging, and learned helplessness, a state of mind in which you think that everything is so dire that there is nothing you can do but give up and remain a victim, feeling trapped and hopeless. Here are helpful, therapeutic ways to improve your mental health and well-being before, during, and after a highly stressful and traumatic divorce.
Read MoreWhether you are in a marriage that you know you need to get out of, or if one abusive incident has slowly escalated into a pattern of deliberate violence, it is time to consider your safety - for yourself and for your family. There are specific strategies that you can put in place to protect your safety, and to prepare a solid, strategic foundation for your divorce process.
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