
Therapy and Counseling

AAMFT's Therapist Locator


Find a marriage and family therapist with the therapist locator tool provided by American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Research and Education Foundation.

APA's Psychologist Locator Tool


The psychologist locator, provided by the American Psychological Association, makes it easy to find practicing psychologists in your area, and to consider factors such as area of specialization, gender, insurance accepted, and language spoken in your online search.

EMDR Institute, Find a Clinician Tool


This website will help you find a clinician in your area who is trained to provide Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing (EMDR). 

Good Therapy



Good Therapy is one of the top therapist directories on the internet. This website also contains articles on abuse, divorce, and trauma. 

Healthy Place


A consumer mental health site that provides information, online tests, videos, and other tools on mental health disorders and psychiatric medications.

Live Strong


This website contains articles and exercises on setting boundaries and expectations, fitness and health, and nutritious recipes.

Mental Help



Mental Help Net provides comprehensive information on mental health and mental illness, including articles, a blog, and help line phone numbers.